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interview with god

An Interview with GOD: Inquirer: So... God... GOD: Yeeesss? Inquirer: What exactly do you do? GOD: Not a damn thing.. life is great.. i'm eternal.. i work 7 days.. and sit on my ass.. i mean come on.. as every day passes, I basicaly work less and less and get credit for it. Inquierer: Doesn't anyone seem to mind? GOD: 95% of the world believes in god.. that other 5% can kiss my white ass.. Inquirer: Your white? GOD: Um.. i didn't say that.. please take that part out.. don't want anyone to know about the whole wizard-of-oz man-behind-the-curtain thing.. that would sorta ruin my reputation.. Inquier: Sure. so... Appeared in any visions yet? Daytime television? GOD: And leave my house? Are you insane? Its so comfy here... like a cloud. Inquirer: um.. isn't this a -- ? GOD: THOU SHALT NOT CONTRADICT THE ALMIGHTY-- Inquirer: um.. sure.. well.. whats your plans for the next few years? GOD: Plague, a plague of tooth decay.. and lots of light. Shiney :-) like And what about homosexuals? .... T...

Posted by: Jennifer Valles

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