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information security

FAO: C.E.O. SmallCompany Holdings Ltd.

Sender:Frank Loan 9616381

R.E. Needs and concerns relating to computer security.

Dear Sir,
Security threats can be classified into two primary areas, natural disasters (i.e. floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes) and human. The latter can be again divided into malicious (Hackers, Insiders) and non-malicious (ignorant employees). In the following memo I will try to address these issues and highlight possible solution to same.

Identification and authentication, and access control.
The primary threat to data integrity comes from authorized users who are not aware of the actions they are performing.
· The selection of a password by a user is problematic owing to the number of different that each user may conceivably need to remember to access each section of a system (network, e-mail, etc.).
· User will inevitably choose passwords that are easy to remember (birthdays, names of famous people).
· This will aid...

Posted by: Tricia F. Doyle

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