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In this essay I will be studying a piece of high art and a piece of popular art then arguing the case that both of them should not be seen in terms of intrinsic value and both would make interesting subjects for study.

The text I have chosen for high art is a poem by Simon Armitage call Poem and I have decided to look at a verse from the pop song Where Is The Love by Black Eyed Peas for my piece of pop art.

I believe that the poem shows signs to indicate acts of love. The signs that indicate this are “And always tucked his daughter up at night.” And “And praised his wife for every meal she made.” I feel that this makes the piece interesting to study as it imposes the dominant ideology that acts of love are good on the reader. The reader may find reading about love as morally uplifting which is meant to be purpose of high art. These acts of love that the reader may find morally uplifting are seen to be as normal by the reader which I feel ties in with Gramsci idea that things which are imposed by the elite are usually seen as normal or common sense to people making the piece more interesting

I also believe that this text imposes other cultural beliefs by representing strong archetypes...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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