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Il×lit×er×ate-uneducated; esp., not knowing how to read or write¾n. an illiterate person¾ illiteracy.

Illiterate is defined in so many words yet with so little meaning to some and just enough knowledge for others to understand. But have you ever stopped and really thought about how it would have been to live your whole life without the capability of reading or writing? Well today I’ve done just that and for this moment not only have I allowed myself to be placed in the shoes of those who can’t read as well as in their state of mind.
As frustrating as it is already to accomplish a simple task because the many difficulties it consist of, but even more so when the most challenging is being a person with no knowledge at all. One example, is the task of driving which takes nothing more than the competence of reading in order to be done successfully. Specifically, the directions that you must read to get from place t...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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