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Identity Fraud in Australia

On September 11th 2001, approximately 12 Afghani terrorists boarded flights in American Domestic Airports to various cities around the nation. Upon boarding the planes, these men used other people’s names in order to hide their own identities. Prior to boarding the planes, they used the same people’s names when undertaking their pilot training. This case of identity fraud in America didn’t cause, but assisted in the generating of a massive-scale tragedy that resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives. Within days of the appearance of lists of those missing – or presumed missing – in the rubble, hundreds of millions of dollars of goods and services were being illegally obtained by people who had adopted the identities of the victims; people participating in identity fraud.

Misuse of identity lies at the heart of a wide range of criminal activities ( As technological advances grow around the world, so does the need for security of one’...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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