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Human Population Study

The world is a very big place with a population of 6,234,250,234 people and always growing. The world and its important resources are being destroyed by populations growing in such small areas. Many of these small areas have many problems of their own because of over population, such as hunger and many poor people.
China is the largest country in the world with a population of 1, 284,304,705 people and ranked the third largest in size in the world. In the year 2050 the population of China will be about 1,322,435,000. The population in china is growing by about 87% a year. China is controlling the population by the one-child policy. The one child policy was created in 1979 to help control the growing population of China. How the one child policy works is that families are only allowed one child but if that child can’t work the family can adopt another. Also many of the families are killing their new born if they are girls because in China when girls are born nothing is done b...

Posted by: Novelett Roberts

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