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Human papilloma virus


There is a vast array of viruses and to choose from them just one to write about is in itself a tough job. There are endless gory viruses such as Hanta, Ebola and the Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever all which have some nasty and more often than not fatalistic effects on the host usually with the loss of blood from many orifices of the body. So does one choose one of the above and satisfy their ghoulish curiosity with how these viruses work their (black) ‘magic’ or should one take the path most travelled by and study the usual suspects….. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (A.I.D.S.) or Herpes? . Occasionally one does neither and instead looks to a virus closer to home, in this case I have chosen Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Why? Well to be honest as a child warts fascinated me and veruccas, well they plagued me so I decided to get to the root (no pun intended!) of the issue and write this essay on just that….warts. I will discuss varying aspects of the HPV i...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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