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human embryonic stem cell research

Human embryonic stem cell research has become a big moral issue throughout the world. There are a vast amount of reasons to stop this research all together and even more to keep it alive. This research could very well be the answer to almost all of our health problems, but yet there are still some people that are against it saying that we don’t have the right to do this and “we’re not god”. But like most good things in life, there are sacrifices to be made.
What are human embryonic stem cells and how can it be beneficial to our society? Human embryonic stem cells are a self-renewing cell line that give rise to all cells and tissues of the body ranging from muscle tissue to nerves to blood, and maybe any type of cell that makes up the body.. There is potential for these cells to allow permanent repair to failing organs by injecting healthy functional cells developed from them, also known as regenerative medicine.* The ability to do this would change the world of medi...

Posted by: Veronica Gardner

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