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Hpw to focus on work


Sounds simple enough, but when do we take the time to free ourselves from the inherent distractions of the office environment? You may even have what you consider to be an efficient system of getting work done, but think about how much time do you spend on chatting with co-workers, taking a cigarette break, making phone calls or just surfing the net. Now matter how stellar your production, there is always room for improvement. Consider the following a simple guide to streamline your basic workday.
The main tip is to have enough of sleep. Common sense, as well as medical research , suggest that the quality of rest you get on a given night will determine the type of mental acuity you have the next day. Good idea is to remove a TV from your bedroom , because otherwise it can be major deterrent from sleep.
Next tip is: start your morning off right. Try to wake up a little earlier, so you could manage to do y...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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