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How my life changed

How my life has changed
There are few things in life that change a person as much as having a child does. As far as I’m concerned, the advent of my daughter’s birth signaled a complete overhaul in terms of my outlook on life. The day it happened, seconds after her birth, a million things flashed through my mind. How was I going to care for this fragile little being by myself? Will I be any good at bringing this tiny person up to be a productive member of society? My entire life changed, as well as the way I went about so many different things, from my driving to my language.
First of all, having my daughter has made my life more purposeful. It’s amazing what you are willing to do for someone who is completely dependent on you for everything. For once in my life, I had a very powerful reason to make something of myself. It just wasn’t going to cut it to live life without some sort of plan for the rest of my life. It forced me to pull myself together in order to ...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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