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How far if at all does thatcherism as a political creed deviate from traditional conservatism?

How far, if at all, does Thatcherism as a political creed deviate from traditional Conservatism?

Margaret Thatcher is perhaps one of the most influential politicians that has ever been

seen in the British Isles and it is undeniable that her influence has left an indelible

mark on the contemporary political scene. The extent as to which her ideologies were

innovative or simply re-invention of the traditional conservative stance is open to

much debate and a number of issues affects the way in which this particular debate

can be viewed. It would be highly pretentious to belittle the unquestionable talent and

knowledge that Mrs Thatcher possessed, but as David Marsh puts it “Thatcherite

policies did not spring out of nothing” .

The Conservative party of Britain has had a long and varied history with its origins

being traced back as far as the late 1700’s. It has therefore accumulated a great deal of

heritage and prestige within the realms of t...

Posted by: Gina Allred

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