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how do the characters in the novel view war differently...

In the noextreme extent of his personal guilt and the scars that don’t disappear overnight. It is by this that Mark views war differently. At first, the war was a jobause of war that causes Mark to have a of him losing vel, Mark Walsh, an accomplished war photographer, is always located either near or in a war. It is the cma e events. It is through Mark that sees the his friend and leaving him behind meant that he became a different person coming downall the events/etaught him that death is fate, pre-determined, and that there was nothing that he as a doctor, in the Harir cave, could do about it. The war has an impact on his life, for him to view it differentlyxperiences that caused guilt in Mark, that had made his views on war feel as a murder scene. “To feel guilt in war only have a conscience, a quality to be admired” (Pg: 156).

Talzani is another character in the novel that has been affected in someway for him to view war differently. The war has , by almost closing ...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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