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How do Nature and Culture Express Themselves Through the Setting and Characters in the Novel?

Emily Bronte published Wuthering Heights in the Victorian year of 1847. Emily Bronte has used Wuthering Heights and Thruscross Grange to depict isolation and separation along the four miles of moorland. This classic novel uses nature and culture to affect the characters decisions through out the story. In the Victorian era, it was socially acceptable to take young people off the street and into peoples homes to either clean the house, or to complete a family. In rare occasions, it was also not unheard of to marry other members of your own family.
Immigrants would travel from Ireland to the mainland because of the potato famine, and at this time, the industrial revolution was at its highest, although the potato famine subject was not mentioned in Wuthering Heights. Some of these cases we can relate to, such as immigrants trying to claim asylum in the UK, but issues such as the industrial revolution, you wouldn’t find anymore.
Heathcliff is the main character of Wuthering Hei...

Posted by: Kelly G Hess

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