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Home Schooling

As parents seek too find the best education for their kids, home schooling is becoming very popular. In 1984 the U.S. Department of Education estimated that approximately fifteen thousand students were home schooled. This number is increasing between two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand students in 1988. As of today, the United States has between 1.2 million and 1.7 million students being homed schooled in grades K-12. In the past, if you were home schooled it was because of religious beliefs; however, now it is used for religious values, beliefs, and political viewpoints.
Families choose home schooling due to numerous reasons. Van Galen places home schoolers into two district categories: ideologues and pedagogues. The ideologues state that they home school their children because they object to what public and private schools are teaching and they want to strengthen their relationship with their children. The ideologue parents have certain beliefs and values ...

Posted by: William Katz

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