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History Research


Dr Joseph Goebbels was in charge of propaganda

Goebbels aims of propaganda were to make others believe Hitler was the saviour of Germany. Their aims was to make German people accept Hitler and to approve of Nazism.

The propaganda that was used by the nazis were posters, televisions, cinema, public events such as book burning, rallies, newspapers, radio and the 1939 Olympics.

The Nuremberg rallies took place in the summer of every year. They consisted of marches, flying displays, bands, parades and speeches made by Hitler.

The Nazis controlled the media in many ways. No books could be published without Goebbels permission. This was to ensure that no negative messages about the Nazis were being read. He organised a book burning which was a great publicity stunt to attract people to come and burn books, which contained ideas that the Nazis would classify as inappropriate.
Goebbels also controlled the newspapers. He knew that Nazism would create a lot of controv...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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