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Hepatitis C

Attention Getter:
.Everyone knows that when they feel sick, that something is not right, they should see a doctor. But what if you could not tell if you are sick, in fact, sick with a virus that will soon enough cause more deaths than AIDS. For twenty years, you could be hosting a virus without even knowing, until it is too late. You begin to feel a fever, chills, headache, fatigue, and muscle aches, these symptoms are flu-like, but what you may be really experiencing are the symptoms of Hepatitis C.

Central Idea;
Hepatitis C is an epidemic for anyone, of all walks of life and by 2010, the death rates will most likely surpass AIDS.

Credibility and Goodwill: I have always heard of Hepatitis C and never really understood what it could do to somebody, all I remember was being told not to touch someone’s blood. AIDS were always the big topic of diseases in school because it is such an epidemic. I did not have one concern of Hepatitis C until one day my dad ca...

Posted by: Sandeep Jador

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