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HEalth thingy

What’s it Like?
Having ADHD (Attention defecate hyperactivity
disorder) is like living inside a fast moving pinball
game where sights, sounds, and thoughts are
constantly shifting from side to side.
Becoming easily bored, yet you are helpless to keep
your mind on task.
You become easily distracted by unimportant sights
and sounds.
You don’t control your mind, the actions around you
control your mind.
You are unable to sit still, finish tasks, plan ahead, or
be fully aware of what’s going on around them.
To their family, friends, peers, and teachers they
seem to exist in a world full of chaos, corruption, and
It will diminish self esteem by marring ones
relationships with others and disrupting their daily
It’s like living in a black and white movie. You can
only see to types of colors, the colors of boredom,
depression, anxiety, and frustration.
Your brain rejects any work which requires sustained
mental effort.
You feel as if ...

Posted by: Raymon Androckitis

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