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handicap button

Why do people press the handicap button? It seems like a question not often asked. Our teacher Dr dushay seemed to be boggle by this concept. Our class chose to do a scientific study on this odd question. We needed to come up with a way of answering this question without bias or anything of that sort getting in the way of true results. We all came up with some theoretical reasons why most people use the handicap button. They were as follows: Students are lazy, Its faster than doing it by hand, Its more convenient than doing it by hand, Because their hands are full, students are fascinated by gadgets, the door is simply too heavy, We don’t want to hold the door for other people, It’s a habit, and we’re afraid of catching germs. These were the just of the most applicable reasons that were thought up by our class. From these guesses we generally needed to find out which was true of the majority of button users. Along with what peoples views are on the usage of the button. In class ...

Posted by: Shelia Olander

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