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Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Task: Characterization of Claudius.

Claudius, a character who reflects the story of Cane and Able.
This man has a troubled conscience. When he gazes at Gertrude, he genuinely feel love. However, when he looks away from her, he remembers how she became a widow and how he never told her the hideous crime he committed. When he speaks with her, Claudius will sound soft and compassionate, as if he were apologizing to her without saying the words. His temper will never flare up with Gertrude; instead, whenever he feels angry, he will look at Gertrude for a comforting face. I recommend that he should tenderly touch Gertrude often to show that he truly does care about her.Although Claudius would sell his soul to the devil to make Gertrude happy, he does not care at all for Ophelia. He uses her simply as a tool for ridding himself of Hamlet. He will talk to Ophelia in a stern voice with forced tolerance rather than compassion. Claudius' temper will not flar...

Posted by: Arianna Escobar

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