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Government Control - 1984 and Brave New World - Comparative

Humans can be manipulated in any way in order to make them behave in a certain manner that suits the needs of others. Comparing George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World it becomes clear that the populous can be manipulated and intimidated into supporting the leader of the government. Fear is a very powerful technique that allows the government to control what a person believes and can cause a person to support something they might not otherwise support. Through the use of technology the government can control its citizens and ensure that they conform with the rest of society. Since technology is such a large part of there society…. . Ignorance is a very important factor in deciding where ones loyality lies. If a populous is ignorant of their surroundings, as in 1984 and Brave New World then it will be less trouble to convince the person to gladly support the leader. In order to maintain stability in a totalitarian society, the government forces the populous to su...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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