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Indies by sailing West. Columbus possessed mixed motives. First,
he wanted to bring the Christian Faith to the inhabitants of the
Indies. He was described by his contemporaries as a pious and
thoughtful man. These were the qualities which most impressed
Queen Isabella. Second, and arguably of equal or greater
importance as a motive, Columbus wanted a share in the wealth of
any trade with the Indies in order to secure his and his family's
financial future. Doing better by doing good is certainly a
familiar enough refrain in the opera of human history. Third,
Columbus was ambitious. He demanded of the Crown that he be named
"Viceroy of the Indies" and "Admiral of the Ocean Seas." These
were not titles attached to sinecures. Yet, Columbus' talents
were not in administration. Viceroy was a role beyond his
abilities and that is where the trouble truly began.

The personality of ...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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