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Gender and Television

Gender and Television

Gender and Television:
Something Old
Something New

By: Vernon L. Bigelow
Idaho State University

In the article “All in the Formula” by Emily Nelson we learn that sitcoms are, “The financial backbone of network TV. NBC’s ‘Friends’ brings in several hundred million dollars a year in advertising and it pulls viewers into other NBC shows, driving up overall advertising rates. The studio producing the show also gets mote than $1 billion for selling repeats” (Nelson, 2003). So the success or failure of a new sitcom is big money for lots of people.
The problem is that all sitcoms must follow tried and true conventions while somehow making it all appear new. In the article Ms. Nelson says, “Writers must balance TV’s hunger for something new against a rigid set of conventions laid down in the 1950s and honed to a science in the decades since” (Nelso...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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