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Around the globe, tradition holds that men marry women as a joining of love with the ultimate goal of starting a family. Tradition, for the most part, is what prevents one group of people from obtaining what they view as equal status with other peoples. In a world increasingly convinced that equal rights are essential, one would assume that homosexuals as a whole would find their place in society quite easily, and that they would flourish as a minority equal to the majority. After all, with the success of television shows like AQueer Eye for the Straight Guy@ and AWill & Grace,@ homosexuals have gained greater acceptance in society (Waldsmith, 15A). However, only two countries in the entire world actually view same-sex marriages as exactly the same as those of opposite-sex couples, while other national governments (including the United States and Canada) are currently battling within their judicial systems to ensure that same-sex marriage remains illegal within their countries= bou...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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