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French and Dutch compair and contrast

Even though the French and the Dutch arrived in North America almost seventy years apart, (the French in 1541 and the Dutch in 1609) their colonization efforts and relations with the Native Americans were similar. Both countries came to North America to establish permanent settlements. In doing this, both France and The Netherlands became very involved in the fur trade, which meant becoming very involved with the Native Americans. After comparing and contrasting France and The Netherlands in the areas of, purpose of colonizing, and relations with Native Americans, it was found that the two countries had more in common then not. Both of the French and the Dutch efforts on colonization were important to the future of America.
The purpose for coming to America was simple for the Dutch. They came for trade. Henry Hudson was sent to explore the region of what is today called New York. Henry sailed up the river, named it for himself and began friendly trading relations with the Native ...

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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