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Free Speech or Not? You be the Judge

The 1st Amendment clearly states that Congress shall make no law prohibiting the exercise of abridging the freedom of speech or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble. Throughout my brief existence I’ve witnessed and personally experienced the influential power of speech, whether utilized for good or evil. Yet this universal force, that if place in the wrong hands, has more destructive intensity then all the world’s nuclear arsenal together. It is my belief that all men have the right to free speech, yet it is also my belief that this right may only be applied for the rectitude and betterment of our nation. Therefore, through limited censorship and proper limitations America can regulate (to a certain extent) against unlawful gestures, obscene comments, aggressive anti-government groups, pan handling, harmful press, etc.
Censorship has many times tried to suppress ideas rather than refute them with better ones. All too often, we try to completely wipe out idea...

Posted by: Janet Valerio

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