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Everyone has a fear in his or her life. Some can be pretty common like the fear of spiders or something. Some can be pretty strange like the fear of beards. My fear is the fear of death, its scientific name, thanatophobia. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein you might say the characters in the book had a fear of monsters, or taratophobia. When the monster was created he had a hard time dealing with the outside world. No one could accept him for who or what he was, without giving him a chance. Similar to African – Americans from the 1700s all the way up until the 1970s when the country was segregated and there was a lot of racism and discrimination going on. But other than blacks the monster had no clue how to deal with it. He suffered from neglect from his creator Victor Frankenstein. Once the monster was created he was put out because he was so hideous and Victor didn’t want to take care of what was his. For example, like a mother giving up a newborn baby without sendi...

Posted by: Rebecca Wyant

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