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Frankenstein and the myth of prometheus

Frankenstein and The Myth of Prometheus
The alternate title of Frankenstein, The Modern Prometheus, relates the two stories. Prometheus, a figure in Greek mythology, took fire from the gods to give it to Man and he suffered eternal punishment. Clearly, Victor Frankenstein is the modern Prometheus—in a way, he stole the idea of creation from God and used it for himself, and he is punished for his actions as well. Victor’s monstrous creation can identify with Man, which was created by Prometheus. The fire that Prometheus stole is the fire of life, which he gave his clay models.
Victor and Prometheus each defied their gods by creating life. Instead of just being God’s creation, Victor decided to play God and become the “Creator of Life.” Each of the men were punished, Victor was punished by his creator, whereas Prometheus was punished by the god who he stole from. Promethe...

Posted by: Sheryl Hogges

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