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Forrest Gump

Life and a box of chocolate

"Life is like a box of chocolates...You never know what you're going to get" –says the main character Forrest in the beginning of the movie. This very unusual quote that leaves a peculiar feeling in viewer’s mind. Forrest himself is a very interesting person. Although the readers and the viewers know that he doesn’t have an IQ of a “normal” human it doesn’t stop them from loving and understanding him, maybe even realizing how this “unnormality” gives him an uniquely positive perspective of life. During his life, Forrest becomes a football player, a war hero, and a successful businessman. However, he always stays true not only to his friends, family and believes but also to his love for Jenny Curran. There are many adventures that Forrest has to face during his life, and both in the film and in the book they are somewhat different, but no matter where he is or what he is doing he is always thinking about Jenny. Forrest takes part in Vietnam...

Posted by: Tamara Moore

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