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Flappers and Black women, in fact all women in the early 1920’s and today have been obsessed with “it”. They have worried not about what they could contribute to society, or what they could learn, or even really their intelligence. It is all about “it”. Different women from different cultures or backgrounds express this concern in different ways but the reality is the same: women want to be wanted.
“(IT) is that required quality that attracts to the opposite sex.” (“IT”, 1929) The idea of this quality is on everyone’s mind in this film, even the gentlemen. The word in the definition that says it all is “required”. Women are required to be attractive, and to appeal to others. Mrs. Glyne tells Waltham that when she wrote about “it”, it is actually defined as self-confidence and indifference (“IT”, 1929). Different people may have different definitions or opinions of what “it” may be, but they want to have it.
For the standard white m...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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