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Fembots! Furs! And Feet! Oh, Why?: Fetishes and What Might Lie Behind Them

So it’s about 2:30 in the morning, a good chunk of the rest of the world is grinding away with their REM’s, but your face is awash in the icy, electronic gleam of a computer monitor. A sweet chill of friskiness seductively squirms its way down your midsection. Sex, as you know it, bores the living hell out of you. It was ecstasy-inducing and invigorating back in your teen years, when it was still bright, shiny, and new.
But since then the luster has dimmed. And you need an extra jolt of pizzazz, a nice kick in the pants (perhaps in more ways than one) to your sex life. It’s time to explore your own sexual quirkiness, and venture head on into the uncharted recesses of your sexual appetite. You decide an apt starting point would be the informational well offered by the internet, and you search “festishes” on Yahoo, surprised by the 32 sub-categories under “fetishes,” each pointing you do to developed subcultures concerning their respective fetish. There’s fetishes that ...

Posted by: Alexander Bartfield

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