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Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a magical place of kings, knights, dragons, and gnomes. And in this place 4 little gnomes had a plan (to become rich) to steal the dragons gold underwear.
Un tiempo, en un lugar con majica con reyes, valientes, dragones, y gnomes avia 4 pequeno gnomes que tenian una plan, para ser se ricos, a robar las trucas de el dragon.

Gnome 1: we’ll just sneak in while the dragon is sleeping and take his gold.
Vamos a meternos cuando esta dormido y sacamos el oro.

Gnome 2: but what if he wakes up?
Pero si se dispierta.

Gnome 1: we will use this fairy dust to put him to sleep for a very long time.

Gnome 2: o.k. let’s do it tomorrow night.

Narrator: The next evening the gnomes searched through the caves to find the dragon. They found him and sprink...

Posted by: Angelia Holliday

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