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External Parasites

Fleas are the most commonly found external parasite on our mammalian pets. They feed on blood. The most common flea to infest both dogs and cats is the cat flea. This fleas spends its entire adult life on the animal, feeding, defecating and laying eggs on the pet. The eggs are not sticky and readily fall off the pet into the environment. The eggs hatch into larva which feed primarily on flea feces which have fallen from the pet. As the larva develop, they form pupa in which they develop into adult fleas which then jump on the first warm animal that is unlucky enough to pass by.
When a flea bites, its saliva is injected into the pet's skin causing itching and allergic reactions. Flea allergy is one of the chief causes of misery, itching and hair loss found in dogs. A severe infestation can cause anemia through significant blood loss. Left untreated, a flea bearing animal can cause the household to be infested. In some areas, fleas can carry plague organisms.


Posted by: Quentina Green

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