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Experiences of rural and regional Australians as a result of their involvement in World War II

Experiences of rural and regional Australians as a result of their involvement in World War II

World War II played an enormous role in changing the lives of Australians and created some unforgettable experiences for rural and regional Australians as a result of their involvement in the War effort. Although women did not fight overseas, aiding the British or defending land near and around Australia, they did however make a grand contribution to the War effort. The women assumed the response abilities of the men who left to serve in the War and the women and many youths took on the manpower needed to run the rural properties and businesses. World War II and the threat posed by the Japanese played an enormous role in changing the lives of rural Australians by affecting the living standards greatly, food and petrol consumption, strengthened our bonds with our allies and affected families with death and heroism. Some experiences of rural Australians also changed lives for better or worse...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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