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The planet we now call earth was 200million years before present, called Gondwanaland. There may have been many theories of evolution, nature, animal’s physics, gravity and so on, for example

“ . . . Time and favourable conditions are the two principal means which nature has employed in giving existence to all her productions. We know that for her time has no limit, and that consequently she always has it at her disposal.”
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) in 1801

Georges Cuvier (1769-1832) mummified cats and ibises and showed that they were no different from their living counterparts; Cuvier used this to support his claim that life forms did not evolve over time.
“... The component parts of each must be so arranged as to render possible the whole living being, not only with regard to itself, but to its surrounding relations, and the analysis of these conditions frequently leads to general laws, as demonstrable as those which are derived from calculation or expe...

Posted by: Jennifer Valles

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