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1. How does your ecosystem differ from a natural ecosystem?
My ecosystem is artificial, meaning that it is controlled and not completely natural. Natural ecosystems are completely dependent upon themselves and have a chance of failing or changing due to human interferences. An artificial ecosystem is partly reliant on an outside source. In this case, I am the outside source, as I have created and maintained the ecosystem by guaranteeing the proper amount of sunlight, the location, and the amount and different kinds of species. Also, there are differences in the behaviour of the inhabitants of the ecosystem. My organisms do not have to compete for food, or fear predators, therefore increasing their life expectancy. However, the natality rate among my organisms would be very low, as there are only a couple of species and very few numbers of them. From this, I realized that an artificial ecosystem would be suitable for one generation of species, and not a continuous cycle.
Thus, I concl...

Posted by: Quentina Green

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