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Ernest Hemingway Biography

Ernest Hemingway was one the most prominent writers in America’s history. While living a tumultuous life, Hemingway relied on his talent to bring a story to life and his incredible life experiences to produce his famous novels. Every aspect of Hemingway’s life was larger than life: his soap-opera life, his amazing experiences, and his prestigious career.
Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in a suburb outside of Chicago. As a boy he learned how to hunt and fish around Lake Michigan by his father, which captured his enthusiasm and develop into a passion later in life. While working for the Toronto Star Weekly, Hemingway met and fell in love with Hadley Richardson. The couple moved to Paris, France when Ernest was offered a job by the Toronto Daily Star as its European corespondent. When she became pregnant in 1923, Hemingway and Richardson moved back to Toronto for the superior medical care in North America. After the baby was born, they returned to Paris, w...

Posted by: Adriana Alvarez

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