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Englang in the 18th C.

England in the 18th century
A. The Age of Walpole 1714 – 42
1- The structure of society, 1714 – 42
England in 1714 was a land of villages and towns. Its town such as it had, were on the coast. In Lancashire, the west midlands towns of same Size .. were beginning to grow, but the majority of it population was still in the south and still rural. The population was probably, in 1714, about five and a half millions, and from 1714 to 1742, after an initial spurt, there was only a very small increase, but there were important changes in its distribution, East Anglia had a declining population, the west country and south and East midlands were fairly static, so was the East Riding and all of the north but west Riding, and south Lancashire, where the increase was masked, so, too, was t...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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