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Effects of Alcohol

You see on television, magazines, and bill boards all of the great looking, happy people drinking liquor, but what you don’t see is the consequences those people pay for consuming it. Drinking liquor can cause physical, mental, social, and emotional damage to people who drink it excessively. It can also lead to an addiction problem; however there are many solutions to cure people from their alcohol addiction. Drinking hard liquor can take a physical toll on your body that can lead to serious problems.
When you consume too much of any alcoholic beverage it will have many quick effects on your body. It will impair your coordination and make you clumsy and unable to perform simple tasks. It also blurs your vision, which makes it very dangerous to get behind the wheel of a car, which could lead to your death or someone else being killed. Too much of alcohol, especially if consumed underage, can kill your brain cells and does great damage to your liver (Internet 2). If you pl...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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