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drugs in sport

In the world of sports it is not rare to see athletes give their heart and soul for the love of the game. From sunrise to sundown they practice everyday to perfect their game. Then there are those who take an alternative route. Now athletes are taking performance enhancers such as Anabolic Steroids, Diuretics and Bete Blockers. There are a number of factors that may contribute to an athlete misusing drugs. These factors can be related to the drug itself, the person and/or their environment. Drugs are used because an athlete may feel dissatisfaction with their performance and progress. They have a desire to relax/socialise and a desire to cope with anxiety or stress. Athletes use drugs because they believe that others are using drugs so in order to stay at the top they must do so. They also use them due to lack of confidence and lack of knowledge about side effects. However, drugs are mainly used among top athletes because they have specific pressures to win from their coach, pa...

Posted by: Anthony Pacella

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