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Drugs, Crime, and Prohibition

Do drugs really cause crime, or is it our governments way of controlling communities? Many people blame drugs for every problem in our society, but is it the true evil in our society? No one person can answer that question. There are only opinions and theories on this issue. We have been taught over the years that drugs were bad and that they only affected the poor and less fortunate, and turned them into crazy criminals, but this isn’t true to any extent. The laws controlling and prohibiting drugs are the true culprit. Would our crime levels decline if drugs were legalized to some extent, or would we just increase the destruction of our country?

Over the past fifty years, prohibition has been proven to actually increase crime and drug use instead of its intended purpose, which was to extinguish the use of illicit drugs in the United States. We constantly hear of prison over crowding, and why is that? Most of our prisons are filled with drug offenders, ranging from use to distrib...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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