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It's safe to say that the most dangerous and/or infuriating drivers on the road these days are old people (The bastards). These are the fucks who dive 35 in a 55 with their blinker on for hours clogging up traffic for miles because everyone (including the assholes who normally box you in at 60 mph because they think that going 5 over the speed limit warrants driving in the passing lane) are trying to pass them. If these were there only driving flaws they possessed it wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately these twats randomly change lanes (for seemingly no reason at all) without looking and almost always have there break lights on. Most people (by most people I mean left wing pussy's) think these old shits should be allowed to drive (I know it's ridiculous) they justify this bullshit with statements like "teens are in more accidents" and "it's age discrimination". And right after you think they can't be any more full of shit they completely blindside you with this one "You can't take a...

Posted by: Asare Mabel

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