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The nurses station was cluttered with paperwork, the phone was ringing nonstop, and the call buzzers were going off left and right; it was Mistys first day at a new job and things were a little overwhelming for her, and then she heard a very loud and gruff voice say, “What kind of nurse are you?” Mrs. M is undressing in the lobby and here you are, standing like a bump on a log”. Misty looked over her shoulder, and there was Dorothy, with her rolling walker, waddling toward her; even with the assistance of a rolling walker, she waddled like a duck. At that moment, Misty met the most courageous woman she has ever known.
Dorothy and Misty developed a close relationship; they spent hours talking about their lives and the things most important to them, then the inventible happened. Dorothy found out that her cancer had returned and without treatment, she would only have a few months to live, and with treatment, she may not survive the si...

Posted by: Joel Chibota

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