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Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play’s two main characters ?

There is a reason Guare includes the two-sided Kadinsky painting in this play and as the play’s two main characters, Ouisa Kittredge and Paul, unfold the reason becomes very clear. The painting is unique because of the two completely different styles that are represented by each side of it. One side is geometric, ordered and structured, while the other is a vivid mesh of brightly colored brush strokes, without any apparent structure or design. The characters, Ouisa and Paul, could be represented in this same way.
Ouisa flits through a large portion of the play, unstructured, without any real depth at all. When social issues are discussed her responses are superficial and inappropriately humorous. “I see all these very striking coal miners modeling the fall fashions—“(11) , she babbles when they discuss Gorbachev’s role in introducing democracy to Russia. Then later to their recently mugged dinner guest, “Tell us stories of movie stars tying up their children an...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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