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Does death render fate obsolete? Discuss.

From the school of existentialism comes the view that there is a cosmic arbitrary force from whose grip no one dares to escape. Therefore even when danger is apparent, one is unable to choose the path of escape from ultimate destruction. This is evident in the case of Melibea when she says to her father in Aucto 20: “porque cuando el Corazo*n esta* embargado de passio*n, esta*n cerrados los oy*dos al consejo. Y en tal tiempo las fructousas palabras, en lugar de amansar, acrecientan la sana”(p332). Rojas seems to be acknowledging the arbitrary concept of fate, as he comments on the nature of the human predicament of the characters in La Celestina.

Death being governed by fate renders the characters helpless but to pursue its path. Although Calisto is repeatedly warned by Parmeno of the dangers of indulging his passions, he curses his servant and rushes into destruction proclaiming, “que todo es ygual”. He also shouts at Sempronio: “No quiero consejo, ni esperarte mas rezone...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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