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Different Planets, Same Creator

John Gray’s metaphor of men being from Mars and women coming from Venus is not far from he truth when comparing the ways they think and react to situations, for the most part. However, as with every rule, hypothesis, and idea there are exceptions; for example, my relationship. It seems my boyfriend and I have switched roles when it comes to the stereotype of men and women, which works out sometimes and other times it only causes chaos as with our recent conversation concerning religion.
My boyfriend and I have been dating for about nine months and the weeks over the summer have been riddled with arguments, disagreements, jealously, forgiveness, and make ups. We do not fit the idea of a perfect couple who “for the most part, resolve their conflicts and differences without fighting, making each other ‘wrong’, hurting each other, putting each other down, or ‘winning’ over the other.“ (30) We both have a need to be right, to win, and are completely stubborn with our views...

Posted by: Arianna Escobar

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