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Didion Essay

Didion tries to relay her message that self respect does not come from outside influences, but rather from within oneself by using a humorous self-criticizing tone. Her usage of a flashback of an important event in her life helps to convey her attitude. She gently pokes fun at herself, while using sarcasm and ironic humor to further support her feelings.
This experience of not getting into Phi Beta Kappa has taught Didion many things about life, as well as about self respect. She looks back at this crucial incident in her life and comes to a healthy self-realization that life is going to be difficult and complicated no matter what kind of person she thinks she is, and no matter how she acts. She comes to realize that self-respect and how well a person thinks of them-self, has absolutely nothing to do with what others think of you. A...

Posted by: Leonard Herriman

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