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Defs 4 history

Freshman Summer Packet PIB Integrated History
Brandon Espinosa 415494
1) Abdicate is to renounce or relinquish a throne, right, power, claim, or the like, esp. in a femoral manner.
2) Abolitionists
1. The act of abolishing.
2. The legal termination of Negro slavery in the U.S.
3) Absolute monarch is a monarchy that is not limited by laws or a condition.
4) Anarchist is one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order.
5) Anti Federalists is a member of the group opposed the adoption of the U.S. constitution.
6) Anti Semitism is a hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or radical group.
7) Apartheid is a policy of segregation a political and economic discrimination against non-European group in the Republic of Southern Africa.
8) Appeasement is to bring to a state of peace or contentment; pacify.
9) Armistice is the temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement ...

Posted by: Sylvia Schiavoni

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