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Defend and Liberate: The Art of World Monopoly

It is not surprising to find the best salespeople in the world in the richest country in the world. Afterall, the act of selling, or trading is the heart-pumping action that feeds blood to the body of a capitalist society. Where the blood comes from is irrelevant.

Along with drugs and sex, oil and defense (de • fense - Cold War euphemism for all commodities [including personnel] related to information gathering and the disruption, exploitation and/or destruction of life, property and natural resources of other nations for the betterment of the host nation) are some of the hottest ticket items around in the United States. Of course, in the media-savy world of today, it pays to know how and when to use the weopons of mass distraction. For example, oil and drugs thrive on low-key media exposure, while sex and war...I mean defense, prosper in well orchistrated public relations campaigns. The imminent war on Iraq, and possibly North Korea, is taking shape as the greatest promotional ca...

Posted by: Carlos Hernandez

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