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Critisism of "1984"

Aldous Huxley was born in 1894 in England to two very refined parents,

Leonard and Julia Huxley. Huxley’s family possessed both scientific and literary fame

throughout Europe. Young Aldous had big footsteps to follow. As a teenager,

Huxley was enrolled in Eton, a legendary university. Soon he developed a bizarre

eye disease which left him blind for over two years. This event dramatically changed

Huxley, he now decided to become a writer instead of a doctor. Thinking his disease

would effect becoming a doctor. “I would have probably killed myself in the much more

Hard working profession of medicine." Huxley said. However, Huxley was no stranger to

work, even in the literary world. The great author had an great productive writing

career for nearly four decades, ending at the time of his death in November of 1963.

Huxley lived and wrote in Italy for much of his early adult life. He wrote in many

literary magazines, including Vogue, but soon...

Posted by: Chad Boger

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