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Crirtically compare two different arguments for being a vegetarian , derivedfrom any two of the following : Kant, Utilitarianism, Animal Rights or Virtue


The focus of this essay,is to critically d I will present the argument from
animal rights base on Tom Regan’s article ‘The case for animal rights’, and then
move on to present the argument from Utilitarianism base on Peter Singer’s
argument on ‘All animals are equal’. The second part of this essay I will try to
evaluate and critically discuss both arguments in a more precise valuation.

The treatment of non human especially animals has not traditionally been
regarded as a moral issue. Christian philosophers such as St Thomas Aquinas
argue that man alone is made in God’s image and that mere animals do not have
souls nor moral categories , strictly speaking we as human being are free to
treat them in any way for our own advantage such as eating their flesh, human
resource….etc. Henceforth, eating meat has been rooted in human beings and somehow planted into their lifestyle as a essential sort of iron, benefits for human body development. As a

Posted by: Ryan Wilkins

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